student testimonials


practical experience



Sherif Talaat

BSc. In Banking & Finance Senior Investment Analyst at Ekuity Holding

I believe a meaningful life should be all about aiming high and working hard to reach that high. My aim was to be a University Of London and Arab Academy graduate and to achieve this aim, I had to work hard. Being a UoL graduate qualified me continue m

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Sherifa Ahmed Abdel Razek

AASTMT University of London Programme, Regional Economic Analyst- European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD), London Head Office

The reasons for wanting to study in a dual degree programme. I can list down many reasons for wanting to pursue my education under the dual programme between Arab Academy and University of London (UoL), but to keep it short and simple: it’s the w

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Yehia Sabet

College of Management and Technology , Dokki Campus Cairo

Firstly, applying to AAST was an advice from my mentor & teacher at IGCSE who advised me to join AAST due to their incredible history and their amazing ranking and reputation among National, Arab & International universities. I didn't hesit

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Sahar Hussein

AASTMT, University of London Programme

I've always had great passion for economics, and when I first moved to Cairo and heard about the University of London international programme I knew instantly that this was perfect for me. In addition to the priceless experience, the quality of the

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Abdallah Hashem

College of Engineering & Technology Electronics & Communications Engineering, Asswan Campus

I always believe in the second chance and I found it in the Academy. During my study in the academy I developed my character and abilities a lot . I discovered skills and talents I never knew that I had and I even develop them more. I always feel proud

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Mennat Allah Ahmed Mohammed Sageer

College of Management & Technology

During my study in the academy I have studied many curriculums in different majors as accounting, financial management, Economy, marketing and many other which made me more experienced in many fields. In addition to the theoretical study, there was a p

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Laila Ahmed

The College of Language and Communication Translation Department, Miami Campus, Alexandria

The College of Language and Communication is not your typical department. The students gain an intensive practical work experience, which leaves each and every one with more understanding and knowledge on their many different potentials prior to gradua

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Salah Hamdy

College of Engineering & Technology Electronics and Communication, Abou Qir Capmus, Alexandria

During My study I worked as a researcher in (GPS and Navigations) in Queen's University in Canada in 2014. Worked as a researcher in (LADAR and electromagnetic waves) in RMC (Royal Military College) University in Canada in 2015. Won the best poster

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