Bachelor Degree

  • Energy & Petroleum Logistics Management |
  • English

Program Description

Candidates of Bachelor's degree (B.Sc.) in the Management of Trade Logistics and International Transport – Major Energy and Petroleum Logistics Management must accomplish a total of 8 semesters (132 Cr. Hrs.). At the beginning of the 7th semester, students decide on one of the two main course groups: Group (A): Electives courses from Energy and Petroleum Logistics Management Group (B): Elective courses from other Logistics Disciplines. Besides of study at academy there is one course of Practical Training. In which, a minimum of one month (four weeks) of Summer Practice is obligatory to fulfill the requirements for the B.Sc. degree. The practice is preferred to be in the specialized field after the second/third year of undergraduate education. In the final year, students form teams and work on logistics application projects in their selected major specialization or multi-discipline specialization. Professors from universities and professionals from logistics field are invited to evaluate and assess the final students’ project report.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students enrolled in this program acquire a solid understanding of logistics and supply chain management, encompassing foundational concepts essential for effective operations. Through specialized coursework, they delve into the intricate connection between supply chain management and sustainable energies, gaining insights into how environmentally conscious practices shape modern industry. Moreover, students deepen their understanding of various energy sources and their intricate relationships within supply chains, paving the way for informed decision-making in sustainable energy integration. Equipped with extensive knowledge of scientific theories and methodologies, they are adept at optimizing supply chains, refining operational logistics, and implementing sustainable energy solutions. Furthermore, students advance their expertise by exploring cutting-edge scientific theories and methods, positioning them to tackle complex challenges at the forefront of supply chain management and sustainable energy innovation.

Markets and Career

  • Graduates holding a bachelor's degree in Energy and Petroleum Logistics Management are well-equipped to pursue diverse and vital roles within the energy sector. These include managing oil and gas shipyards and cargo handling operations, overseeing sales within the petroleum sector, and ensuring global safety standards are met in oil and gas activities. Graduates can also specialize in procurement management, coordinating resources effectively, and driving business development strategies tailored to the unique needs of the industry. Furthermore, opportunities exist in roles such as managing accounts specific to oil and gas operations, providing energy consultancy services, leading energy project management endeavors, and implementing efficient reverse logistics processes. With this comprehensive skill set, graduates are prepared to make significant contributions to the dynamic and crucial field of energy and petroleum logistics.

Admission Requirements

- English Test - Interview

Tests & Prerequisites

Data will be available soon!




The program offers the degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in The Management of Trade Logistics and International Transport - Major Energy and Petroleum Logistics Management. The candidate for the (B. Sc.) degree is required to pursue scholastic quality and complete a plan of study prepared with his academic advisor and approved by the Logistics of International Trade Management Department Council. The number of credit hours required for graduation is 132 (cr. hr.) spreading over 8 academic semesters. The program contains a sequence of courses that are designed according to the National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) for Commerce..

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