Business Law

  • Cardiff's Metropolitan University |
  • English


This course introduces students to definition and properties of law, the difference between law and behavioural Rules and classification of law into General and Private Law. It introduces application of law according to time and place and the explanation and cancellation of law. Then, it explores types of Rights. It presents the commercial companies, the law of contract, and the agency. It introduces the creation of agency and termination, sales of goods, negotiable instruments.


B.Sc. Hotel Management


  • Define statutory law and practice concerning business and consumer transactions. Describe the different types of contracts. Explain the debtor-creditor relations. Understand product and service liability. Know the different types of business organizations and the issues impacting them.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Nature of Law Definition Properties Differences between law and behavioral rules
2Commercial Companies Classification Legal form of commercial companies
3Classification of Law General law Private Law
4The Law of Contracts Types of contracts Legal relations Existence of intention Formation of the contract The offer Acceptance Classification of terms of contracts
5Application of Law According to time According to place
6Law Application Explanation Cancellation
7The Agency Definition and concepts Functions Reasons for usage Creation of agency Termination of the agency
8Types of Rights Civil rights Political rights Family rights Financial rights Private rights
9Negotiable Instruments Meaning of negotiability Features of negotiability Types of negotiable instruments Bills of exchange Cheques Bills of lading Promissory notes
10Sales of Goods Definition of goods The price Delivery of goods
1Nature of Law Definition Properties Differences between law and behavioral rules
2Commercial Companies Classification Legal form of commercial companies
3Classification of Law General law Private Law
4The Law of Contracts Types of contracts Legal relations Existence of intention Formation of the contract The offer Acceptance Classification of terms of contracts
5Application of Law According to time According to place
6Law Application Explanation Cancellation
7The Agency Definition and concepts Functions Reasons for usage Creation of agency Termination of the agency
8Types of Rights Civil rights Political rights Family rights Financial rights Private rights
9Negotiable Instruments Meaning of negotiability Features of negotiability Types of negotiable instruments Bills of exchange Cheques Bills of lading Promissory notes
10Sales of Goods Definition of goods The price Delivery of goods

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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